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Tracking user data in Creabl
Tracking user data in Creabl
A guide to how standard and custom data attributes work in Creabl.
You can group your users together based on who they are and what they do in your product. We store three types of data about your users:
  1. Standard data attributes (a default set of data we already have about your users).
  2. Custom data attributes (data you send us about your users).
  3. Events (data that records specific actions users take in your app).
Below, we’ll explain how these data types work and how you can make the most of them.

Standard data attributes

As soon as you install Creabl you’ll see the following list of standard user attributes on the left-hand side of your screen:
  • Name (a person’s full name).
  • Email (user’s or lead’s email address).
  • Phone number (lead's phone number).
  • Web sessions (the number of times a user has visited your site or app).
  • Last seen (the last day a user visited your site or app).
  • First seen (the first day a user visited your site or app).
  • Signed up (the day a user first signed up for your product).
  • City and country (calculated by the user’s IP address location).
  • Browser (the browser that user uses)
  • OS (the operating system a person is using).
  • Browser language (the language set by the browser a person is using).
  • Browser version (the precise version of the browser a person is using).
  • Language override (a preferred language setting for a person).
  • Utm campaign
  • Utm content
  • Utm medium
  • Utm source

Filtering standard user attributes

Now, armed with this data you can quickly filter your user base to answer questions, such as:
  • Who signed up in the last week?
  • Who signed up once but never returned?
  • What users on the free plan are yet to upgrade?
  • How many users do you have from particular country?
  • Who was using regularly up until a month ago, and then quit?
You can combine as many complex filters as you like. For example, if you want to encourage new users to upload their first song, you could send a message to users who ‘Signed up 7 days ago’ from Germany.


Send custom data attributes to Creabl

Creabl lets you send custom attributes about your users and these will all show in your user list too. Custom data attributes are the information you send us about your users, like how many times they've purchased an item from your store, how many projects they have, or what plan they're on. For example, if you have a music sharing app, you could send us over the number of songs a user has played, or how many followers they have.
  • You can send us over whatever attributes you want to better understand your customers, and it will all show in Creabl.
  • You cannot create custom attributes with the same name as a standard attribute.


You can send events to Creabl, to record whenever users take specific actions in your product. Events make a record every time a user does something and the total amount of times they do something. For example, you can see the first time users clicked on a particular page, or when they most recently purchased an item.
Events will show in your user list, and you can filter them to answer questions like:
  • Are users visiting the same product page a lot recently?
  • Have they used the export feature a bunch of times? or
  • Have they downgraded their plan?

What’s next?

Now that you know how to track user data in Creabl, it’s time to create specific cohorts for important groups of users, so you can follow their progress easier.
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