Advice and answers from the Creabl Team
Getting started with Creabl
Install Creabl on your website (for logged-out visitors)
Install Creabl on your website (for logged-out visitors)
It only takes a few minutes to install Creabl on your website.
Note: You donโ€™t need to have a Creabl trial or subscription to install the snippet on your website.

Install the JavaScript code

After creating an account on Creabl, just copy the code snippet under on the Settings-Installation tab.
This snippet is pre-populated with your unique workspace ID, so it's ready to go:


Copy and paste this code snippet before the </body> tag
Then, you need to enter your domain name into the field at the top right corner and click Check System. After system checked, if you have implemented the code correctly, you will receive a message
Creabl has been installed on your website or web app
You're all set now, you can start to analyze your visitors ๐Ÿ˜Ž
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