Advice and answers from the Creabl Team
Getting started with Creabl
Filters help to get the necessary selection of users according to various criteria. This allows you to quickly find the data you need and save time on processing them.
Filters are located above the list in the Filters block.


In order to add a filter, you need to click on the Add filter button.


How to add a filter

Step 1: Selecting users.
You can select all users, guests, potential customers, or users from a previously created cohort.


Note: A guest is a visitor who has not become a potential customer, that is, has not left contact details. Leads are users who have left their contact details.
You can also select users from previously created cohorts.


Note: you can learn more about cohorts in the Cohorts lesson.
Step 2: using the Add condition button, you should add a condition by which the users will be filtered from the previously selected list. There are attributes and events in the list that you can set additionally.
To finish creating a filter, click Add filter.


For more detailed filtering, you can set another condition by clicking Add condition, or add a new filter B by clicking Add filter.


If you want filter A and filter B to complement each other, set the AND condition. If you need filters A and B to work independently of each other, set the OR condition.


To delete a filter, click Delete filter.


The created filter can be saved as a cohort by clicking Save to cohort.


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